Why Visit Egypt?

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The history

Egypt has long fascinated historians and almost anyone interested in ancient culture. The Pharoahs, their dynasties, temples and tombs have drawn archaeologists and visitors for centuries.








The Pyramids

They really do need to be seen to be believed. Standing proud out in the desert, against the backdrop of Cairo, these ancient feats of engineering are awe inspiring. See them on horseback or from a camel for the full experience, then head deep into one of the many corridors to a tomb chamber.





The Nile

Egypt would not have existed without this river. The longest in the world, it’s a lifeline that snakes through the entire country, through arid desert, lush palm groves and oases, to the fertile delta into the Mediterranean. The journey from the temples at Abu Simbel, through the Cataracts at Aswan, the monuments of Luxor and Karnak, all the way to Cairo, is one of the most striking you can ever make.





The Red Sea

This body of water is not only lined by some truly gorgeous beaches, but is also one of the world’s finest dive spots. You can snorkel directly off many of the beaches, whilst the steep shelf that drops dramatically off, is home to an incredible array of marine life. The waters and winds are also ideal for kite and windsurfers.





The bazaars

Cairo has one of the largest in the Middle East. Khan al-Khalili is a myriad of narrow lanes bursting with spices, fabrics, leather, silverware, lanterns and street food sellers, open till late into the evening. You’ll need to learn to barter though.





The Food

Egyptian cuisine is made for sharing and has rich Middle Eastern influences. Religion and history mean vegetarianism is popular, with deliciously stuffed vegetables gracing most menu, and most sweet dishes are made from dates, almonds and honey.